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Plugin for PyCharm / IntelliJ IDEA Platform IDEs which adds support for Snakemake language.

Configure Project from Sources


Configure project from sources:

  1. Checkout the project
  2. In IntelliJ IDEA, select File | New | Project From Existing Sources.... Choose import from gradle option.

Build plugin from sources:

Configure Tests:

  1. Configure tests to use $PROJECT_DIR$/.sandbox_pycharm as sandbox directory when running tests from the IDEA context menu. Change template settings for cucumber test:
    1. Open Run | Edit Configurations... | Edit configuration templates...| Cucumber Java
    2. Append to VM optiopns:
      -Didea.config.path=$PROJECT_DIR$/.sandbox_pycharm/config-test -Didea.system.path=$PROJECT_DIR$/.sandbox_pycharm/system-test -Didea.plugins.path=$PROJECT_DIR$/.sandbox_pycharm/plugins-test -Didea.force.use.core.classloader=true
  2. Checkout snakemake project sources and configure as test data:
     cd ~
     git clone
     cd ./testData/MockPackages3
     ln -s ~/snakemake/snakemake snakemake

Tests are written in Gherkin. You could run tests:

If you get Unimplemented substep definition in all *.feature files, ensure:

Release plugin:

Useful Resources for IntelliJ Plugin Development:

Snakemake Resources:

Workflows examples:

Parser & Lexer

Snakemake language

SnakemakeSL language